What is your Why?

Without a why, anything you do will eventually start feeling pointless.

You might not be a morning person, but you get up early to walk my dog. That's a solid why.

You might dislike your job, but you want to pay your mortgage or have money to go on vacation. That's a solid why.

Having a why is like having a north start to keep your eye on. Your why is an internal driving force to stay focused on the things you value in life. These are reasons that help you follow through with something, especially when you want whatever it is badly enough.

If a doctor told someone that they were at risk of a heart attack if they didn't clean up their diet and start moving or working out, that would be a great why/north star for someone to stay focused.

If someone else wants to be the strongest version of themselves, or win a competition that's coming up in a few months, that's a great why/north star. This can be coupled with micro goals along the way, such as wanting to PR their clean and jerk by 2 kg in the next 4-6 months.

If you don't have a reason to keep improving in whatever it is you're investing your time and money into, then you probably won't see continued improvement.

Try to find your inner why. Use your why/north star as your guide, and you'll see far more success in your endeavors.


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