Principles, Practice, Persistence

Principles - building a foundation based on solid principles will eventually lead to building a solid structure. Without a solid foundation your end result might look more like the Leaning Tower of Pisa than a solid AF brick house. This is where the initial principles play a huge role in any athlete's development. Learning each element of weightlifting can be difficult and even daunting. However, these foundational principles are what make weightlifting such a rewarding sport.Practice - repetition is really the only way to get better at anything in life and weightlifting is no exception. If you aren't putting in the hours your results are going to reflect that. You wouldn't expect to be Picasso if you barely touched a paint brush. Pick up the bar and pick it up often. Persistence - yes you will have a love hate relationship with weightlifting. You can have some really incredible days in the gym and you can have some really terrible days too. These fluctuations come in waves and as long as we understand that and allow ourselves to ebb and flow, persistence will become second nature and something we eventually stop questioning. If you fight against it and hate the process you'll eventually fall out of love with weightlifting or anything else that appears daunting.


Year End Review


Should I Compete?