One Small Step
As we head into a new cycle I wanted to take a moment to discuss where we were prior to this last cycle (RTL) and where we're heading now.
So after we ended our competition season at The Maine Event last year, folks seemed to need a mental break from pushing and prepping for competitions. So we did just that. We went into a block of put your head down and grind without expectations of hitting certain numbers. The power snatch and power clean and jerk were the cornerstone exercises to this last mesocycle in the effort to develop more explosiveness and rate of force in the overall execution of the lifts. The undercurrents of the cycle included generalized pulling strength along with quad and trunk development. The various accessory exercises were geared towards building more overall explosive power such as box jump variations and the power clean into jerk.
Over the past two competition cycles we focused primarily on the back squat as our main squat variant and it ended up giving us some great overall results with numerous prs and overall leg development for the main competition lifts. In this past cycle we've still had box back squats without the intention of moving heavier loads but to develop strength and speed out of the hole in a squat, snatch or clean. During this most recent mesocycle the squat focus has been front squat and building confidence back in that lift. We'll round out this cycle with a 1rm test.
Going into the next cycle we'll be running one program with minor timing differences between two groups. One group will be gearing up to compete at Masters Nationals and the other group gearing up for the Seacoast Open or a test close to the Seacoast Open. We'll kick off the cycle with a prep phase. During this phase you'll notice the movement selection is (for the most part) open ended as far as percentages are concerned. Instead you'll see terms like RPE(rate of perceived exertion) or RIR(Reps in Reserve). These principles will still provide bumpers and guidelines for your sessions however it'll be based more around how you feel instead of being extra focused on specific numbers. If you have difficulty understanding what these terms mean please refer to or read the articles attached.
During the first block of this cycle you'll see consistent work in the full lifts again but also complexes in various positions of the full lift to enforce positional acuity. A large area of focus going into OSS is the second pull into the third. The point that the lifter moves past the knee and into the hip/pocket position. During that portion of the lift a good majority of folks are losing their balance as they push their knees back in the lift. With that happening I see folks either getting to their toes too early and losing a good portion of their power, or they will move from a balanced position back to the heel then seesaw into the toe more often pushing the bar forward or away from their body.
Another large area of focus that I want folks to consider as we get into this new cycle is staying connected to the bar as you get under it. Especially on the snatch and jerk. Consider the lift done when you’re putting the bar down, not after you drive it up. Remember to continue reaching into the bar as aggressively as how you drove it up with your legs. You’ll see holds in various lifts or even exercises such as snatch grip Sotts press. During these lifts/ exercises take the opportunity to try to tap into that aggressive lock-out overhead instead of just holding the bar in space.
Lastly, the squats. In the first 4 weeks of this mesocycle the squatting will be based on finding confidence under heavy back squats again with heavyish 5s. Along with getting confident with volume BS you’ll also be building and refining a better base for the receiving position for snatches and cleans with pin front squats.
I’m excited for everyone as we head into this new competition block. If you have any questions please reach out to me