Our Mission
Bring confidence, strength and power to athletes through thoughtful coaching and an inclusive community.
I’ve worked for businesses that have had mission statements before and they filled them with long fancy words that didn’t really drill the point home. To be honest coming from corporate America and seeing mission statements, visions, goals, and values on a regular basis they just became background noise for me and they lost their meaning anyway.
Why am I now writing about and telling you our mission statement? Good question. Well I wanted to remind myself of what our purpose was. So I sat down and put some time into thinking about who we are as a business. Not just who I am as a coach.
First off, what are we looking to help people with? Well people tend to struggle with confidently understanding complex movement. I strive to instill confidence in the folks we work with. To really drive the point home, we want to instill confidence in not only mid twenties but folks ranging from young to old. That also goes for folks of any race or gender.
Our main focus as a gym is to offer a very specific training facility. It’s smaller in size without a bunch of machines. We offer a space specifically designed to offer the best Olympic Weightlifting training experience you can get in Southern Maine and The Seacoast Area. This allows us to focus on working with the barbell for a majority of the movements we do. The main lifts, Snatch and Clean & Jerk offer the most power output of any movement you can perform in the gym. While working towards improving those two main lifts you’ll also train other movements such as the squatting, pulling, and pressing to improve you’re overall strength.
When I use the term athlete I don’t mean someone that has an athletic background or even someone that competes. I mean someone that is doing something athletically. So If you are lifting a barbell for the very first time or if you are a Nationally ranked lifter those two people are both athletes at York County Barbell. Your level of experience is of no consequence.
I remember a moment at a gym I used to work at where a coach was giving instruction on a clean and he wrapped up his instruction with “…or however you want to do it”. That blew my mind that a coach would offer such flippant instruction to people that respected their position as “coach”. It’s very important to know as a coach what I’m looking for from each athlete and how to get there. Thoughtfully coaching means working with each athlete at their level and ensuring that each person understands the feedback and cues that I deliver.
Our athletes are all uniquely themselves and offer a flavor or seasoning that without them the community would feel bland or empty. As a collective we show up for one another, and want one another to grow and flourish. Inclusive community means show up as you are, who you are without any caveats.