YCB’s Summer Throw Down
Just a few months ago we ran an in-house meet, The YCB Summer Throw Down. We had seven athletes participate.
Romona Frank Competed in her first meet.
Nicolle Durkee broke the New England Snatch record at 69kg for her age and weight category.
David Monesmith and Chris Krug had great comeback meets touching weights they haven’t seen in some time.
Kim Monesmith had a great meet and used this as a tune up for her prep for The Masters World Championship in Finland.
Sarah Barlow Tested the waters to see what was possible as a tune up for The Masters World Championship in Finland.
Elsbeth Paige-Jeffers (PJ) was looking to improve her ranking in New England and to qualify for USAW Nationals. She Snatched 80kg and made a big Clean & Jerk of 110kg. She did in fact improve her placement and now sits in 6th overall in NE, and she did qualify for Nationals with a 190kg total as a 71kg lifter.
Videos of the top Snatches and Clean & Jerks portion linked below.
Force and Power Output
-Any and all sport requires a level of force and power to be given. That may be derived from pushing off the ground to tackle an opponent, swinging a bat to hit a ball or taking off from the starting line in a 100m sprint.